We transport your waste - safely!
Waste warning sign, A-sign, A-board, Truck warning sign for waste transports
Waste transportation
It is important to us that your waste transports are carried out safely and responsibly so that the environment is protected and the health of people and animals is not endangered.
Spedition-Albrecht has the necessary waste certificate to transport your waste safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. You can find it on our download page.
We look forward to your inquiry – please contact us!
Important aspects
Labeling of dangerous goods
The A sign serves as a warning sign for the transportation of waste (hazardous and non-hazardous).
Legal basis:
Transport permit according to §53 and §54 KrWG
Minimizing risks to people, the environment and property when transporting waste with the aim of preventing accidents. Should an accident nevertheless occur, it is important to minimize the impact as much as possible.
Responsibilities of the carrier
We are certified and train our employees to comply with the regulations.
Waste paper loads
are routine for us
Commercial waste
This means that vehicles used to transport waste on public roads must be fitted with the “A-plate”.
The warning marking consists of two rectangular, retro-reflective, white panels with black inscription “A”.
The warning plates shall be clearly displayed at the front and rear of the vehicle during carriage.