ZG – Customs law

The Customs Act is a legal framework that regulates the import, export and handling of goods. It establishes the rules and procedures that must be followed when clearing goods at a country’s borders. The main objective of the Customs Law is to ensure national security, regulate trade and promote the protection of the domestic economy.

The Customs Act covers various aspects, including:

  1. Customs tariffs: The law establishes the tariffs that apply to the import and export of goods. These tariffs may vary depending on the type of goods and the country of origin or destination.
  2. Customs procedures: The law contains regulations and procedures that must be applied when goods are cleared through customs at the borders. This includes the declaration of goods, verification of documents and payment of required duties.
  3. Customs Security: The Customs Law aims to ensure national security by providing controls and measures to prevent illegal activities such as smuggling, terrorist financing and piracy.
  4. Customs value: The law defines the value of goods, which serves as the basis for calculating customs duties and other charges. The customs value may result from the transaction value of the goods, the cost of transportation and insurance, and other factors.
  5. Duty exemptions and reliefs: The Customs Act may exempt certain goods from payment of customs duties or other charges. It may also provide for special programs and procedures to facilitate trade, such as free trade agreements or customs simplification programs.

It is important to note that customs laws may vary from country to country, as each country has its own regulations and procedures. These laws are enforced by customs authorities, which are responsible for monitoring the movement of goods at borders.