The KVO (Kraftverkehrsordnung) is a legal regulation in Germany that governs road traffic. It contains rules and regulations for motor traffic on public roads and serves to ensure safety and order in road traffic.
The KVO specifies, among other things, which traffic rules apply, such as the right-of-way rules, speed limits and behavior at traffic lights. It also contains regulations on vehicle equipment, such as the obligation to carry a warning triangle, first-aid kit and high-visibility vest.
Furthermore, the KVO regulates the registration of vehicles and defines the requirements for technical safety and environmental compatibility of vehicles. It also contains regulations on driver licensing and the required driver license classes for various types of vehicles.
The KVO also establishes penalties and fines that may be imposed for violations of traffic regulations. It regulates the procedure for traffic offenses and contains provisions for the prosecution of traffic offenses.
It is important to observe the provisions of the KVO to ensure road safety and avoid traffic accidents.